Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Prince releases new track - RnR Affair

So, after 2 years of near silence, Prince has decided to release a new song. If you're not familiar with Prince's more recent work, such as the UK Newspaper freebie '20Ten', then you'll probably not know that he's been on a bit of a MPLSound retro vibe for the last few years. This song takes him back into the direction of rock/pop. It's nice enough to sing along to, but it doesn't have a chorus. Am I the only one who finds this weird? Lack of chorus aside though, the song bobs along nicely. It's clearly an autobiographical account of how he hooked up with latest protegé Andy Allo, who releases her own album 'Superconducter' any time now. From the snippets, Prince is all over that album like a rash, which is nice, but am I the only one who just wants him to get his backside back in the studio and work on some new freaky funk material. We know he's capable of it. come on Prince... show us how it's done ;)

Doctor Who - The Angels Take Manhattan

Wow, that was exciting, wasn't it? I can't believe that the (first half) of the season is over already. It's had thrills and spills aplenty, lots of big ideas and bold brush strokes. Yes, there were plot holes aplenty and a few loose ends, which may or may not be tied up in due course, but let's look to the future. The amazing Oswin Oswald (or is that Clara the Dalek?). Who knows how they are going to sort that one out. One thing is for sure though, Jenna Louise Coleman is going to feel right at home in the Tardis, and I'm sure that the Eleventh Doctor is in for a bumpy ride...